Sunday, May 16, 2010

Solving Health Defects of software profession

Human beings are making discoveries and inventions to make life more simpler and easier and so was the invention of computer. It has made our life so much faster that we can virtually do anything by staying at home.

Evolution of humans along invention of tools and machine continued keeping men physically active. They were hunters who brought daily bread for their family in the cave.

In this era of computer technology men(atleast software professionals) are not hunters they are just commanders. Yes.. they give orders to computer in C C++ java abap and languages which I may also have not heard of.

If we keep giving orders and let computer do all the job for us, we will be nothing less than a pig. We make money, eat food and become fat.

There are physical fitness clubs available almost anywhere but what good is a club if one can find no time to lift his ass from the chair from commanding the computer. He wakes up, has breakfast, sits in front of the PC, has lunch, sits in front of PC again and this might go on until it is time for him to sleep at night.

I had a sudden brain wave one day.Mouse and keyboard were made to make work comfortable and gyms were made to make one struggle (for a good reason). Why not combine these two into one so that we can get time to work and keep oneselves fit.

A computer-human interface that will let us work physically and do the same job that we always do with just our hands. There are several key combination(except typing sentences) and mouse movement that can be replaced with body movements or postures.

I believe it is a good lucrative concept that someone should try to develop.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Site Experiences

Consultants are people who give their expert opinion about their field of expertise either directly from office or by travelling to various client places. Second option is more exciting as you get to see places around, see the cultural diversification and taste various kinds of food.
As a fresher it is quiet intimidating to face the clients, as you are not experienced enough to measure your own capability no matter how excellent you are. Thankfully we are usually not alone during the initial phase and help comes in the form of senior resource who will accompany us at that time.
My first site experience was jpl , Delhi and first day of my visit to that firm was greeted by a mallu ( you can't seem to find a place without them ) named pillai. My stay was arranged in a hotel and I was amazed to see that luxury in the name of consultation was extravagant. Food could be ordered in plenty and Room was fitted with ac that would freeze you if you don't have a remote.
Every day we were going to office for requirement-collection ( a technical jargon used in my office ) and my senior partner was in full flow talking to the users convincing about their requirements and what we can provided them to meet their requirement. I was watching in full amazement at the ease with which he was handling the clients and thoughts starting creeping whether I will also be able to do the same if I meet the clients myself ( like randbeer kapoor in rocket sing ).

Today I have great experience in consulting and there are still many things that makes me wonder , how I can go a step ahead . But I can conclude saying that practice makes a man perfect.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My first Blog

This is my first ever blog and I don't know why I am so keen in getting my mind known to others. I have always had ideas which I seldom pen down. Going back to my school days I was never good in English and my essays were like 'Tintumom' jokes that are popular among the mallus.
My inspiration to write blogs happened when I sat with my colleges, watching ipl, chatting about things which are happening in our company(where I work) and the effects of drinking(which we were doing at that time).
My ambitions have been plenty but being a blogger(assuming I will continue) was my last one. Even as I type now I am thinking what I should be typing to make this blog look so interesting and I think the key is in having plenty of ideas ,words and skill to combine all of them to make it articulate.
Today I am in mumbai watching ipl on tv and my aim is to watch at least one match before I leave mumbai back to trivandrum. Trying to blog while watching ipl is like ignoring a Hot babe while she is passing by.
Will continue with more of my experience and inspiring ideas soon.