Sunday, May 16, 2010

Solving Health Defects of software profession

Human beings are making discoveries and inventions to make life more simpler and easier and so was the invention of computer. It has made our life so much faster that we can virtually do anything by staying at home.

Evolution of humans along invention of tools and machine continued keeping men physically active. They were hunters who brought daily bread for their family in the cave.

In this era of computer technology men(atleast software professionals) are not hunters they are just commanders. Yes.. they give orders to computer in C C++ java abap and languages which I may also have not heard of.

If we keep giving orders and let computer do all the job for us, we will be nothing less than a pig. We make money, eat food and become fat.

There are physical fitness clubs available almost anywhere but what good is a club if one can find no time to lift his ass from the chair from commanding the computer. He wakes up, has breakfast, sits in front of the PC, has lunch, sits in front of PC again and this might go on until it is time for him to sleep at night.

I had a sudden brain wave one day.Mouse and keyboard were made to make work comfortable and gyms were made to make one struggle (for a good reason). Why not combine these two into one so that we can get time to work and keep oneselves fit.

A computer-human interface that will let us work physically and do the same job that we always do with just our hands. There are several key combination(except typing sentences) and mouse movement that can be replaced with body movements or postures.

I believe it is a good lucrative concept that someone should try to develop.